Gosh, it is a dandy morning for making peanut brittle, a chilly 18 degrees outside right now and clear sparkling skies. When I glance out my window there is Venus, twinkling away bright as a button. Yes, a perfect brittling morning but we will not be engaged in that endeavour today.
Yesterday was the last bazaar of the season for me and as much as I delight in selling my wares to my customers, I am glad it was the final one! I am ready to be done and I am sure Darrell is breathing a sigh of relief too! Brave soul that he is, he diligently gets up way before dawn to help me load my full totes of soaps, lotions and other offerings into the back of our little truck. With a mug of coffee in hand for him – tea for me – we head off in the darkness before dawn to whatever bazaar is on the agenda, most being a good hour or more drive away. As dawn starts to break, I wonder as always what the day will bring. Will it be busy, or will it be slow? This year it seems as if there has been a bazaar being held somewhere every weekend!
Once arriving at our destination, the hustle and bustle to get our tables set up begins. Goodness, I bring a lot of stuff! Before long, the bare tables are covered in cloths, stands are set up and while Darrell puts my little price signs together, I set out my soaps, lotions, books, gift tins, bath bombs, lip balm and of course our peanut brittle, trying to make our display as appealing as possibly for prospective customers. As the final touches are completed, I glance at my watch, checking to see how close we are to Door Opening Time! We are ready!

I truly do feel blessed and so very grateful for all the wonderful customers who come from near and far to shop with us. As the day progressed my Christmas gift tin supply steadily diminished. Folks I had never met before but were familiar with my products came by to browse and buy. One lady delightedly told me she never goes anywhere without a bottle of my lotion in her bag, pulling it out as she spoke as proof for me to see! Another lady came by and looking from my display of books to me exclaimed “You’re the Redneck Englishwoman! I have read all your books!” I am sure I blushed as I admitted that yes, I was.
The day finally drew to a close, and a half an hour before the official closing time vendors were slowly starting to pack up their wares and head home as customers were scarce. Once Darrell and I loaded up our now considerably lighter totes into the truck and made our way wearily home, I glanced across at this man sitting beside me who had sat through yet another long bazaar day. How good it was to have him there with me.
As we drove on in companionable silence, I could not help but think about the love and encouragement this man has given me through the years. Every new endeavour I have embarked upon he has been there to support me. He is my Rock of Gibraltar. Through my many years of being a volunteer EMT he has waited – and yes worried! – for me to come home safely after a late-night call, ready to wrap his arms around my chilled body as I climb back into bed. The years he has sat alone in the evenings while I was away teaching EMT classes twice a week for months on end. Yes, I am a very lucky woman indeed to have such a partner in life.
All these things flowed through my mind as we drove home. The setting sun signaled an end to yet another busy day, the closing chapter on another bazaar season. How good it was to finally turn onto Top Road, the final leg towards home. As soon the little truck was unloaded with what remained of my wares, a good fire was lit in the stove and dinner was put on while the dogs came in to lie content on their rugs. Darrell and I sat in our easy chairs and both of us seemed to let out a sigh at the same time. Now the rush was over. Now we can put away the extra table in the living room that for ages has held odds and bobs of crafty things. The dining room table will be free of special orders waiting to be shipped out – well almost free as last-minute orders often come in and of course are welcome! The peanut brittle making season will continue for a while, although not too much longer, supplying those folks who ate what they purchased earlier and now need more for the holidays!
Soon it will be time for us to head out the back and harvest a little tree that will be ceremoniously decorated for Christmas. Darrell and I and the dogs will spend some lazy time by the fire. The seasonal rush is almost over, and it has been a busy one! How very, very thankful I am to have such wonderful customers out there who continue to support our little business. I truly am blessed in so many ways.