April 1st and Mother Nature sure knows how to fool us! Waking up very early this morning, the gentle sound of rain greeted me as I lay there contemplating getting up. By the time I slipped out of bed, put my glasses on and headed quietly into the front room, I heard the wind begin to pick up. Once the fire was lit, the kettle on the stove and the coffee pot turned on, I glanced outside and saw nothing but a white blizzard of snow! The gentle spring rain had morphed into wicked winter weather again. Well, March sure left us a like a lion instead of a lamb!
It felt good to get the fire going, to hear the crackle of the wood and see the bright flames light up the living room. The warmth was pretty welcome too. Thankfully, the sideways blowing snow let up just before I headed out to milk Heidi and it was not awfully cold outside, just very wet and slushy. I live in my wellies this time of year. Once the milking chore was done, it was nice to get back inside the house where Darrell had a hot cup of tea waiting for me. I am so spoiled!
Today has been a lazy sort of day for us. After the animals were all well fed and tended to, somehow, working in the shop did not feel very appealing so we soon found ourselves back in the house. I have a hard time just sitting doing nothing even when it feels really good to do just that! Both Darrell and I know there are things we could be getting done, such as working on his car, cleaning up in the shop etcetera, etcetera, but you know, sitting here in my easy chair by the fire, Darrell dozing in his and the dogs stretched out on their rugs, it just feels wonderful! It is not too often we have a day like this so enjoy it I tell myself.
This past week has been a rather hectic one in a way. We made the decision once again to sell Morris, our 1937 Chevrolet Master Deluxe old car. Now Morris was bought a few years ago, destined to become my farmers market vehicle after Nessie had her catastrophic squashing during a major snow event. Morris needed a lot of work just to get him running and before we got around to that, we found Pearl – for those who may have forgotten, Nessie is my 1955 Chevy 210 4 door and Pearl is my 1951 Chevy sedan delivery.
Well, between Darrell’s project cars, my girls Nessie and Pearl who both need work, Morris got put on the back burner. Last year we made the decision to advertise and sell him and a fellow in California made us an offer, sent a deposit but ultimately did not follow through on the sale. Once again we decided to keep the old car and figured one of these fine days we would get round to working on him. So, there he sat, in the arena safe from the weather just gathering dust. Yet it bothered us to see this grand old car just sitting there.
This week I once again listed him for sale, and we were instantly inundated with folks wanting to buy him! A deal seemed to have been made with a fellow up in Pasco, Washington with him planning on coming down today to pick the car up. Then yesterday morning a message came in saying he could not get down here after all so had decided to pass on buying Morris. Drat! Here we had told numerous folks that the car was sold. Firing up the computer I contacted several people who had shown interest. Right away we had a fellow from southern California say he would take the car and promptly sent us a deposit and planned on making the 15 plus hour drive up to us today. Once again, we considered Morris sold.
However, after seeing the whiteout blizzard conditions after I got up this morning, I promptly sent a note to the young fellow suggesting he wait until next weekend when Mother Nature might be in a better mood. His wife had looked at the forecast and road conditions and she too thought a slight postponement in his trip was in order. So, Morris will be with us for another week. This time, we feel confident in the sale. Although it will be bittersweet to see him trundle off down the driveway next weekend, we know he will be going to a home where soon he will be returned to a fully functioning roadworthy car. Whereas my plan had been to retore him to his original glory, I am sure his new owners will be doing some major changes to him, but that is okay.
Glancing out the window I now see blue sky with huge fluffy white clouds scudding off in the distance. A mere few minutes ago it was grey and snowy hail pellets were zooming sideways out there. Part of me thinks I should get up and do something productive while the other part of me just snuggles a little deeper into my easy chair. That’s okay, tomorrow is another day and who knows what Mother Nature will throw at us. I think a hot cup of tea and a nice slice of Christmas cake is in order. Yes, that sounds pretty good to me.
Once again, the sun has disappeared behind a thick grey cloud, the trees are whipping in the wind and snow pellets zoom past the window. All is quiet and peaceful in the house. Darrell still dozes, one of the dogs is snoring, the fire is crackling away, and the gentle sound of the wind outside is soothing to the soul.