Blink of an Eye….

Five years has passed since a young lady, very dear to my heart, had a brush with death. As I sit here this morning her story comes to mind… which has prompted me sharing my thoughts of that time once again with you…. One must never take a day for granted. 7.17.16 The preceding fortnight… Continue reading Blink of an Eye….


7.11.21 The past few weeks have been a bit topsy turvy ones for us here on the Triple H. A heatwave has swept over Oregon and other areas of the Pacific Northwest, one that brought record temperatures to many areas of the state. In our part of Oregon, we are used to having a spell… Continue reading Thankfulness

Happy Birthday America!

7.4.21 Independence Day, the Fourth of July, the annual celebration of nationhood across America. The day when everyone comes together to celebrate as Americans. For me it is a special day, one that always brings a smile to my face. The original Independence Day was, of course, when the Declaration of Independence was signed on… Continue reading Happy Birthday America!

Morning Lie In

6.13.21 Well, I had planned on sleeping in today. I even prepared for it by letting the calves stay out all night with Lass and Heidi so I could forego the morning milking chore. It has been a long week with much accomplished – trip to Bend to pick up a couple ton of grain,… Continue reading Morning Lie In

Remembering Trust

This morning as I sit here, after what seems an age since I last wrote a blog story, I remember one I wrote back in October 2015 about Trust. For some reason I have the urge to once again share that story with you. Today more than ever we need Trust… trust in our country,… Continue reading Remembering Trust

Buster’s Bairns

3.7.21 Buster was a lovely boar, kind, lovable, gentle and awfully good looking! When dispatch day rolled around it was hard not to give him one last hug before the deed was done… Darrell and I have been raising pigs for nigh on 30 years now. It all started with Milly and Tilly, two lovely… Continue reading Buster’s Bairns

Starry Skies…

9.20.15 Here I am, a little past three o’clock in the morning, bundling up in my heavy tattered old barn shirt and pulling on my wellie boots with flashlight in hand as I head out the door to go check on Lass. Now I had decided last night I was going to have a lie-in… Continue reading Starry Skies…

Blessings not bane…

Today is definitely going to be piglet weaning day no matter what! No more procrastination, but off to the weaning pen our fifteen piglets will go. The new section of the farrowing house for the pigs that Darrell added on to the end of our cow house is not quite finished as yet, there is… Continue reading Blessings not bane…