2.27.22 A little after five o’clock in the morning and here I am sitting in my easy chair, the kettle singing away on the cooker, close to boiling and the fire crackling and blazing in the stove. When I got up this morning, well actually, when I woke up over an hour ago, the urge… Continue reading Battles Near and Far.
Category: Rose’s Sunday Stories
2.13.22 I am slightly in the doldrums today. This past fortnight has been a tad challenging to say the least! I do not make a very patient patient and having a broken wing tends to severely test my tolerance at times! However, it is amazing how much one can accomplish with only one fully functioning arm… Continue reading Scars
The Fall
1.30.22 Tuesday morning, January 25th, a little before 5 o’clock, after donning my coat, gloves, wooly hat and wellies, I quietly left the house. The snow sparkled in the moonlight while in the sky a myriad of stars twinkled above me. It was cold. The ground was an obstacle course of crusty snow interspersed with… Continue reading The Fall
1.16.22 Intuition. It is a nebulous thing. Animals definitely possess it and I know we humans do too. You know the feeling, that sensation one gets in the pit of one’s stomach that signals something is amiss or about to happen, often moments before the actual event happens? Intuition is a marvelous thing and not… Continue reading Intuition
Milking makes the day.
1.9.22 A chilly 20 degrees out there this morning. Despite the predicted rising in our daytime temperatures, it has not quite been enough to disperse the accumulation of heavy, wet snow that graced our farm this past week. The final depth total was 18” which then started melting and packed down to a much more… Continue reading Milking makes the day.
Happy New Year!
1.1.22 Happy New Year to all my dear friends and family! Goodness me! 2021 seemed to pass at quite an alarming rate. One minute we were bringing in the New Year, before we knew it summer was on the wane then Christmas zoomed in and was here before we could blink! Now a New Year,… Continue reading Happy New Year!
Bazaar Time Again!
11.14.21 Yesterday was amazing! My first bazaar of 2021 is in the books with three more to follow. After a year of being unable to attend “in person” bazaars due to the virus and state rules, it truly was wonderful. To be out there setting up my tables, showcasing my homemade wares, anticipation ran high… Continue reading Bazaar Time Again!
The Brittle Season
10.31.21 I woke up this morning, early, well 3 a.m. to be exact, and even without putting my glasses on I could see the stars shining brightly in the sky through our bedroom window. As I lay there for a few minutes, savouring the warmth of the bedcovers and Darrell’s arm holding me close, I… Continue reading The Brittle Season
Trust… a simple word.
10.24.21 Trust. A very simple word, one that can mean so many different things to so many people. It can determine to how one feels about a horse you are riding, a dog that you own, the person you share your life with or your gun. Yes, your gun! Now I realize not everyone may… Continue reading Trust… a simple word.
Back… again!
10.10.21 Back on the Wagon… again! As I sit in my easy chair, listening to the kettle tentatively singing away on the cookstove, signaling boiling point is approaching, I feel very grateful. The fire in the old wood cooker is crackling away, I have Darrell’s coffee pot filled and set to turn on and it… Continue reading Back… again!