Brief Interlude…

7.17.22 It has been a long week! Monday, we dispatched a sow who even after being given a second chance to redeem herself, fell far short in the pigging department. Because we are farmers and not an animal sanctuary, she will be duly turned into sausage and bacon. In fact, that is what I am… Continue reading Brief Interlude…

Not a Milking Day…

6.12.22 I love to milk. There is something very rewarding to the soul to get up in the morning bright and early, knowing a milk cow is standing down at the paddock gate, just waiting for you to come and be milkmaid to her full udder. Not only does it give one the incentive to… Continue reading Not a Milking Day…

A New Page

5.21.22 Mother Nature sure has brought on Spring’s Blessings with a vengeance over the past week or so. The grass is lush and deep green, growing taller than it has for a few years thanks to the abundance of rain of late. Still somewhat capricious in nature however, she has seen fit to give us… Continue reading A New Page

My Cup Runneth Over

4.24.22 What a peaceful morning it is. Still chilly enough for me to get a good fire started in the old wood cookstove but that is okay, since at this time of year that old stove provides us not only with warmth but our main means of cooking. I can hear the low rumble of… Continue reading My Cup Runneth Over

Bend and Sway

4.9.22 My goodness but it has been windy of late! I mean really windy! I know March is known for its winds, but the gusty days are certainly not over now we have entered April! I do like to listen to the wind in the trees, a gentle, soft sighing wind, but these gusts that… Continue reading Bend and Sway

Turning of the Earth

3.27.22 It is time for the turning of the earth. That time of year when the days are lengthening, temperatures are warming, birds are singing and nest building, and the earth calls to you. Because we tend to leave such things as carrots and Brussel sprouts and the occasional few onions in the garden over… Continue reading Turning of the Earth


3.20.22 Today is the Spring Equinox. The promise of change is in the air. As I sit in my easy chair waiting for the first cup of tea of the day to brew, I glance out the window to my right and there, shining so brightly is Venus, the Morning Star, reminding me dawn is… Continue reading Spring