2.12.23 It is a chilly 20 degrees outside at half past four this morning, but I will take it over the single digits and below zero nights of a few weeks ago. It would be nice to have some snow on the ground as it has been a very dry sort of winter so far.… Continue reading A Work in Progress
Category: Rose’s Sunday Stories
New Year Turning…
1.8.23 The year has turned, and here we are, already one full week into the New Year. It seems as if it came upon us so suddenly! One minute it was October, and I was thinking I had better get cracking making our Traditional English Christmas cakes and getting stocked up on my soaps and… Continue reading New Year Turning…
The Dawn
12.18.22 It’s cold outside this morning, a chilly 10 degrees and the moon, a fuzzy sliver of light high in the sky suggests a cold day is in store for us again. Odd weather really for this time of year. More what we see in January than the middle of December, but we have no… Continue reading The Dawn
America is Like a Fruitcake.
11.1.22 I was up bright and early this morning and by a tad after 5 o’clock was ready to start preparing another batch of my Traditional English Christmas cakes. Now this simple sounding task, although very pleasurable, is one that takes preparation and patience. I make a triple batch at a time, following an age-old… Continue reading America is Like a Fruitcake.
Adding up the Hours
10.16.22 As I sit here in my easy chair typing away at a little after four o’clock on this Sunday morning, I truly feel at peace with the world – as chaotic as it may be at times. This past fortnight has been one of great reflection for me. After making the decision to start… Continue reading Adding up the Hours
Harvest Home
10.2.22 October is here. The past fortnight or so, despite daytime temperatures creeping up near 90 degrees, the mornings have had a briskness to them that is a harbinger winter is not far off. These crisp mornings where one is inclined to pull a wooly jumper on and one’s mind looks forward to lighting a… Continue reading Harvest Home
Irons out the Fire
9.18.22 Rain! Oh, what a beautiful sound! The forecast for our area the past couple of days had hinted at a good chance of rain last night but Darrell and I did not hold our breath. In early evening a wee little sprinkle made us leave our easy chairs to go sit on the front… Continue reading Irons out the Fire
Blackie and Belle
8.28.22 Last Sunday as Darrell and I sat on the front porch, me with my second cup of tea of the morning and Darrell with coffee, it suddenly hit me just how old my number one milk cow Lass is. I had just received the results of the milk pregnancy checks for Lass and Heidi from the… Continue reading Blackie and Belle
Pack Rats
8.14.22 Pack Rats. Not, as some people might think despite a somewhat similarity in appearance, a relation to the fluffy Chinchilla rodent that some people keep as pets or make fur coats out of. A pack rat is quite a different character. So named because these creatures have an innate urge to collect a plethora… Continue reading Pack Rats
Second Chances
7.31.22 I am a firm believer in second chances. Whether it be animals or humans, a second chance is always worth the risk in my opinion but then one must be willing to take the lumps if that second chance turns out to be a mistake! Such was the case with Lady, the sow we… Continue reading Second Chances