12.31.23 Another year draws to a close. How fast this one seems to have passed! I am another year older yet often do not feel any the wiser despite all that passage of time. As I sit in my easy chair, waiting for my first cup of tea to brew I feel a prickling sensation… Continue reading Another Year Draws to a Close…
Category: Rose’s Sunday Stories
Season’s End
12.17.23 Gosh, it is a dandy morning for making peanut brittle, a chilly 18 degrees outside right now and clear sparkling skies. When I glance out my window there is Venus, twinkling away bright as a button. Yes, a perfect brittling morning but we will not be engaged in that endeavour today. Yesterday was the… Continue reading Season’s End
Decisions, Decisions…
12.10.23 I am tired today. When I read this Sunday story to Darrell in a wee bit when he gets up, I know just what he will say with a smile on his face, “Well, I wonder why?” Our little village Christmas bazaar was held yesterday, and I must say, for a small village not… Continue reading Decisions, Decisions…
Brittle Love
11.26.23 It is a wee bit chilly out there this morning, a mere 14 degrees with a beautiful star-studded sky and the ground lit by the ghostly light of the moon. Perfect brittling weather! Yesterday morning was also a cold one which saw us up and busy making more of this season’s sweet peanut brittle… Continue reading Brittle Love
Veterans Day Thanks…
11.12.23 Yesterday was Veterans Day here in America. Today is Remembrance Sunday in England. It is a day, no matter where you are, to think about those who have served in the Armed Forces. To honour those men and women who gave time from their young lives to join up and serve their country, whether… Continue reading Veterans Day Thanks…
Weathering the Storm
10.29.23 It is a cold one out there! All of a sudden, we went from a balmy 45 degrees earlier this week to a rather chilly 19 degrees at five o’clock in the morning just like that! Rather takes a bit of getting used to! Yet there is something to be said for getting up… Continue reading Weathering the Storm
The Joy of Milk!
10.15.23 They say a watched pot never boils. How true that occasionally is! When you want something good to happen and are waiting anxiously for it, time seems to slow down to a crawl yet on the other hand, when something unpleasant is expected, time passes at a gallop! Right now, I am wanting something… Continue reading The Joy of Milk!
Harvest Home… and eat the cake!
10.1.23 October first! “A Nip and a Punch for the First of the Month” to all my friends out there! Darrell and I still carry on that traditional old saying to see who can get it in before the other when the first day of a new month rolls around! Of course, I have a… Continue reading Harvest Home… and eat the cake!
A Very Good Morning
9.17.23 It is a little after half past four in the morning. Pitch black outside except for the lingering stars and Venus shining brightly. Maybe if I stood outside a while longer, I would be able to pick out Mercury. We were woken up this morning, Darrell briefly and me for the day, by the… Continue reading A Very Good Morning
Blessed be Home…
9.3.23 Yesterday was a busy one for Darrell and I. We left home just after 7 o’clock in the morning with our little truck filled to the brim with soaps and lotions, books, tables, bins and all the other paraphernalia that goes along with being a vendor at a local market. We were heading to… Continue reading Blessed be Home…