Second Chances…

Here on the Triple H we believe all animals should get a second chance before being removed, in one way or another, from the premises. This was the case with our big sow Paula. A couple of years ago we bought two young bred gilts, female pigs that have yet to have babies for those… Continue reading Second Chances…

The Change…

As I grow a little older I have come to the realization that I do not like Daylight Savings Time. A few years ago anyone could ask me what I thought of the subject and I would have felt very ambiguous about it, not really having a strong opinion one way or another as I… Continue reading The Change…


I sometimes wonder if being caretaker of a dog with newly born puppies is anything similar to a new mum taking care of her wee little baby. My day seems to revolve around puppies. Now I know that dogs have been birthing and caring for their offspring for millennia with absolutely no problems at all.… Continue reading Puppies…

Pig Farmer….

I am in piggy mode these days. With one sow already farrowed out and 12 little piglets running around her, two more girls due the end of next week and the fourth girl, who almost ended up as bacon and sausage, due to farrow early March, it is definitely pig time on the Triple H.… Continue reading Pig Farmer….

Mid-wife nights…

Here we are in late January and the piglet procession has begun. Mary, a most wonderful sow, gave birth a few days ago to a passel of piglets! I knew she was getting close to farrowing as I have this handy dandy little gestation wheel. You put the arrow on the day an animal was… Continue reading Mid-wife nights…

Routine and life…

There is something very comforting in routine, such as getting up in the early morning hours to do an hour of Yoga followed by a nice cup of tea while sitting in my easy chair to check emails and messages as the kettle on the woodstove gently whistles away. I listen for the sounds of… Continue reading Routine and life…

Darrell’s quail…

As I was putting away my milking equipment yesterday morning, getting ready for another cup of tea while the milk cooled in the big stainless pan in the kitchen sink, I glanced out the dining room window in time to see our little flock of quail come barreling  in for breakfast. Darrell sprinkles cracked corn… Continue reading Darrell’s quail…