September morn…

Rain! We finally had rain! After such a very long spell of hot dry weather it has been a real blessing to wake up to the drip, drip, drip of rain falling from the roof. Along with this much needed moisture also come cooler temperatures. It is so nice in the mornings to have to… Continue reading September morn…

Corn Canning Day…

The dog barking at a coyote that must have been at least two miles away woke me up this morning a tad before my usual rising time. I could have snuggled closer to Darrell and dozed off again for a while but then a doe started to climb up the wooden steps of the deck… Continue reading Corn Canning Day…

Fire Season Smoke…

As I headed up to the butcher shop this morning in the early light of dawn it struck me rather ironic that I would be adding to the smoke hanging in the air as my next move was to get 125 pounds of sausages in the smokers, thus adding more particulate matter to an already… Continue reading Fire Season Smoke…

Skunk battle begins…

There is nothing quite like the odor of skunk to pull one out of a sound sleep into a state of alert wakefulness. How on earth is it that such a small, rather pretty looking creature can instantly bring one to a heightened state of awareness? Any other wild animal strolling past our bedroom window… Continue reading Skunk battle begins…

Little packages…

It is a cool morning out there, a bit odd for being near the middle of July but I will take it with pleasure. As I sit waiting for the kettle to boil I hear the Hummingbird’s wings sounding like miniature jet engines as they surround one of the feeders hanging from the eaves of… Continue reading Little packages…

Fourth of July

The day after the Fourth of July and I am inside the house making soap with the little window air conditioner going as it is currently 90 degrees outside… in the shade. It is not quite as hot as it was yesterday when I was down in the Monument City park tending to my little… Continue reading Fourth of July

Fire season…

Many, many years ago when I was younger and less inclined to worry about the trivial things in life, I used to love to watch the sky light up with Natures version of fireworks, lightening. To see those brilliant flashes of colour from white to pinks and occasional purplish hues flashing across the sky, hearing… Continue reading Fire season…