Bovine Blues

3.2.25 It is a balmy 40 degrees outside right now, but I lit a fire in the house this morning anyway. There is still enough of a chill that seeing logs blazing in the woodstove just gives one a comfy feeling inside. It actually felt hot outside yesterday, I think it may have reached a… Continue reading Bovine Blues

Second Chances

2.16.25 What a week it has been! With temperatures dipping down below zero, myself still not running on all 8 cylinders and worrying about calves being born during the cold spell, then to top it off the main water pipe to the bunkhouse froze! Not exactly the best of weeks for sure, but that is… Continue reading Second Chances

When It Rains…

2.9.25 Everyone has heard the old adage “When it rains, it pours” or at least remembers the picture of a little girl under an umbrella on the label of a famous salt company, well it seems as if for many, that adage is summing up the start of 2025. To top it off, Mother Nature… Continue reading When It Rains…

The Little Things…

1.26.25 Heading out the door the other morning, milker and Heidi’s wash bucket in hand, I made my way slowly towards the barn where the four-wheeler sat waiting for me. Darrell has encouraged me to drive the little truck to the milk house and back instead of plodding along on foot like I do, but… Continue reading The Little Things…

The Path Ahead…

1.12.25 Hello to the New Year! Well, we are nearly a fortnight into it I know, but something tells me this year is going to zoom by just as quickly as the last one did and that is a tad daunting to think about. I am sure each and every one of you, if you… Continue reading The Path Ahead…

Cheerio 2024!

12.29.24 It is snowing once again in these early hours of the morning. A wet, heavy snow that weighs down the tree branches and lays thick and soggy on the backs of the cattle, however a quick shake from them removes the accumulation and they go back to contentedly chewing their cud. For us humans,… Continue reading Cheerio 2024!

End of an Era…

12.15.24 Sometimes, when one has been so blessed by something in one’s life, when it is time to let that certain something go that has brought you so much pleasure over the years, it is hard. I can honestly say I have been blessed for the past 13 years to have had a phenomenal milk… Continue reading End of an Era…

The Great Majestic!

11.3.24 It is half past five in the morning. Well, technically it is half past four in the morning since the clocks were turned back last night. However, my body still thinks it is half past five and I know my milk cow Lass will be expecting me down there at the usual time which… Continue reading The Great Majestic!