It has been a long week! Monday, we dispatched a sow who even after being given a second chance to redeem herself, fell far short in the pigging department. Because we are farmers and not an animal sanctuary, she will be duly turned into sausage and bacon. In fact, that is what I am doing today. On Monday, just as we were finishing the dispatching process, heat stroke crept up on me and my goodness did it give me a wallop!
A temperature of just over 104 degrees had me almost heading to the emergency room, but with a bath, cold packs and rest I was able to bring my temperature down to a more respectable 100 degrees. The next few days saw me weak as a kitten … I still am not quite 100% recovered… so I have been taking things slow.
The daytime temperatures have been in the high nineties which has seen us getting chores accomplished early and under Darrell’s eagle eye, I have been sent to the house to stay shaded up for a good part of the day. This at least has given me the chance to once again get cracking on my novel, although I did make a tidy amount of soap the other day to try to get restocked for the summer!
So, story writing, other than on my novel, has taken a back seat. However, I did want to touch base with all my faithful followers out there to let you know I am not totally slacking off in the writing department! I have discovered once I get absorbed into my story of Katy and the pony Pip, that is all I want to do… write even more!
Therefore, let’s look at this morning’s short musing as merely an interlude in my regular Sunday Story ritual. Thank you everyone as always for your encouragement in my writing endeavours. I always say I write mainly for myself but have to admit it is quite rewarding to know there are folks out there who eagerly await a Sunday Story from this aspiring writer! Have a glorious week my friends!