8.26.23 Here we are nearing the tail end of August and the mornings are starting to feel more and more as if autumn is just around the corner. Over the past few days Mother Nature has seen fit to give us the gift of rain. Some of the showers have been brief while some have… Continue reading Time for a Time Out…
Author: admin
Morning Peace
8.13.23 Last night, around one o’clock, I woke up and quietly headed into the living room. Every now and then when the Perseid’s meteor shower presents itself I like to bundle myself up in shawls and lay out on the front deck to partake in this heavenly event. Last night did not disappoint. As I… Continue reading Morning Peace
Kettles and Cows
7.23.23 You know the old saying about a watched pot? Well, it is true. It does not matter whether it be the kettle on the hob for that first much anticipated cup of tea of the day, a car part freshly painted waiting for the second coat that cannot be applied until said first coat… Continue reading Kettles and Cows
The Writer’s Path
7.9.23 Yesterday, in the early evening, we had the most wonderful rain. The clouds had been building since early afternoon and thunderstorms with abundant lightning had been predicted. Storms are welcome for the most part of the year but after a long, hot, dry spell, these summer storms in our part of the state tend… Continue reading The Writer’s Path
A New Calling
6.11.23 Friendships are funny things. Sometimes the most unlikely of people, people who seem polar opposites in all manner of things, become the firmest of friends. Animals too sometimes have the tendency to form the most unusual of bonds. That has sure become the case with our Bonnie dog and an outcast old rooster! We… Continue reading A New Calling
Broken Chains
5.14.23 Sometimes even the strongest of chains will break. When they do, we often look hard, trying to find the weak link, wondering if it can be repaired, asking ourselves if repaired, can it ever be as strong as it once was? Life is sometimes like that isn’t it? Years and years and years ago,… Continue reading Broken Chains
Out Like a Lion…
4.1.23 April 1st and Mother Nature sure knows how to fool us! Waking up very early this morning, the gentle sound of rain greeted me as I lay there contemplating getting up. By the time I slipped out of bed, put my glasses on and headed quietly into the front room, I heard the wind begin… Continue reading Out Like a Lion…
3.26.23 Mother Nature is feeling rather fickle these days. The Spring Equinox arrived on time, according to the calendar and it really was a lovely day, then Mother Nature had a bit of a tizzy fit and decided to remind us of who exactly was in charge! The days are definitely getting longer. Birds that… Continue reading Patience
Carpe Diem
3.12.23 It was hard to climb out of bed this morning. There is still a good chill in the air, and it was tempting to stay a while longer snuggled under the covers next to Darrell, but the urge to write was upon me so I dutifully obliged the call. This is such a funny… Continue reading Carpe Diem
Some you win, some you don’t…
3.5.22 It’s a chilly one outside today. Snow fell last evening and a mantle of white blankets the ground and makes the trees look as if dusted with icing sugar. Sitting here in my easy chair beside my dearest Darrell, a fire blazing in the stove and cup of tea at hand, it is such… Continue reading Some you win, some you don’t…