4.7.24 I woke up this morning, very content to stay snuggled under the covers a bit longer as it was still dark outside and there was a definite chill in the air. As I lay there for a while deliberating on if I should get up or procrastinate a bit longer, the thought came to… Continue reading Hope
Author: admin
Morning Has Broken
3.17.24 The first swallow arrived yesterday. A good day for it too as the temperatures zoomed up to a balmy 66 degrees! It felt more like the mid-70’s as Darrell and I sat on the deck, enjoying the feel of the sun’s rays on our upturned faces. The dogs, at first content to lay basking… Continue reading Morning Has Broken
Where did the Week Go?
2.25.24 Last week flew by at quite an alarming pace! It feels as if it was a mere couple of days ago when my friend Lynda was up here picking up her Sunday milk and once again another Sunday is upon us. It is not as if I got a lot accomplished this past week.… Continue reading Where did the Week Go?
The Volunteer
2.11.24 Yesterday was a glorious day. The sun was shining and there was a warmth in the air that almost beckoned you to sit outside on the front porch, albeit still bundled up as the breeze was a tad chilly. Darrell and I have been pretty much housebound this past week after coming down with… Continue reading The Volunteer
Thank the Lord!
1.28.24 It rained during the night, well the early hours of this morning actually, not a nice gentle rain but a hard downpour. Our snow and ice are finally melting since the temperatures have soared from what they were a mere fortnight ago. Now instead of zero degrees and below when I get up in… Continue reading Thank the Lord!
Winter’s Onslaught
1.14.24 At a little after 2 o’clock this morning, I slipped from our nice warm bed and made my way into the living room. It was not exactly cold in there as I had banked good sized wood chunks into the woodstove before Darrell and I went to bed last night, but somehow when the… Continue reading Winter’s Onslaught
Another Year Draws to a Close…
12.31.23 Another year draws to a close. How fast this one seems to have passed! I am another year older yet often do not feel any the wiser despite all that passage of time. As I sit in my easy chair, waiting for my first cup of tea to brew I feel a prickling sensation… Continue reading Another Year Draws to a Close…
Season’s End
12.17.23 Gosh, it is a dandy morning for making peanut brittle, a chilly 18 degrees outside right now and clear sparkling skies. When I glance out my window there is Venus, twinkling away bright as a button. Yes, a perfect brittling morning but we will not be engaged in that endeavour today. Yesterday was the… Continue reading Season’s End
Decisions, Decisions…
12.10.23 I am tired today. When I read this Sunday story to Darrell in a wee bit when he gets up, I know just what he will say with a smile on his face, “Well, I wonder why?” Our little village Christmas bazaar was held yesterday, and I must say, for a small village not… Continue reading Decisions, Decisions…
Brittle Love
11.26.23 It is a wee bit chilly out there this morning, a mere 14 degrees with a beautiful star-studded sky and the ground lit by the ghostly light of the moon. Perfect brittling weather! Yesterday morning was also a cold one which saw us up and busy making more of this season’s sweet peanut brittle… Continue reading Brittle Love