10.27.24 The wind woke me up this morning. I already was on that threshold between wakefulness and sleep when the sound of the dried leaves on our grape arbour being tossed in a strong wind brought me to full wakefulness. I lay there for a moment listening to the sound, hearing the next wave of… Continue reading What a Diverse Week!
Author: admin
Seasonal Treat Time!
10.20.24 It was a good day for soaping yesterday. Not too warm outside whereby one felt guilty staying inside instead of wrapping up some of the leftover outside chores needing to be done before winter arrives, but a good inside chore day. I was in need of having such a day as quite a few… Continue reading Seasonal Treat Time!
Pumpkins & Munchkins
10.6.24 What a fortnight it has been! Good mind you, very busy, but it does make us wonder where the time went! One minute we were entering September and the next saying cheerio to it. We had our first frost last month as well as some more scorching hot days and another fire pop up… Continue reading Pumpkins & Munchkins
9.8.24 This has to a be a year for the record books. It seems as if wildfire season started early and still is raging on. Our own Grant County and neighbouring Wheeler County has seen more than its fair share of what has officially been termed, Mega Fires of late. The Lone Rock Fire scorched… Continue reading Fires…
Inevitable Change
8.25.24 There is a definite crispness to the air this morning. A certain tang that suggests a seasonal change is on the horizon. Autumn is just around the corner and although it will officially start on September 21st – well on the 22nd this year at near quarter to six in the morning to be precise –… Continue reading Inevitable Change
Necessary Evil!
8.11.24 What a time this has been on the Triple H Homestead for the past few weeks! July 17th a lightning storm started a wildfire. That blaze quickly went from a few acres to 300 then what with hot, dry and very windy weather, blossomed speedily into a few thousand acres, seemingly doubling in size on… Continue reading Necessary Evil!
We Are Still Here…
7.24.24 Good morning, friends, This past week, well actually longer than a week since the fire started on July 17th from a lightning strike, things have been a wee bit hectic around here. That is why I have to apologize to some of you who may have sent me notes and found I have not… Continue reading We Are Still Here…
Hot Summer Days
7.7.24 Well, Mother Nature has finally decided summer is here and has seriously turned up the heat! Today we are predicted to reach 107 degrees and by Tuesday we will be touching the 114 degree mark! I know I should not be complaining as there are those folks a wee bit farther south who have… Continue reading Hot Summer Days
Tizzy Fit
6.16.24 Here we are in the middle of June. A time when we look forward to warm, albeit sometimes hot, sunny days and cool but not cold nights. A time when the vegetable garden begins to flourish. The seeds that were sown directly into the warm soil have sprouted and stretch their new leaves upwards… Continue reading Tizzy Fit
Simple Rituals
6.2.24 There is something quite rewarding about getting the last batch of cured meat in the smoker following recently dispatching three pigs. After resting comfortably in the cooler for a few a days, the lovely looking sides of pork were soon disassembled and reduced to an abundance of little white packages that now are residing… Continue reading Simple Rituals