Sunday is upon us again, a day of reflection. That day of the week when one reflects on the week that has past, the week that is ahead and tries to make it a somewhat day of rest and relaxation. Of course for me Sunday also means taking the time to sit and compose my… Continue reading The joy of haying… or not!
Author: admin
A pup’s lessons in life…
When one has lived with a pretty well trained dog over the past few years one tends to forget the mischief a little puppy can get into. Bella is in that mischievous stage. I must admit our dogs have always been pretty well mannered and although they will push the boundaries at times, the Rottweiler… Continue reading A pup’s lessons in life…
Slowing down… maybe!
Where on earth does time fly to! Here we are at the end of May, the middle of the year is almost upon us and despite my fine resolutions at the beginning of the year an awful lot of them have not come to fruition. Hmmm… as Darrell would say, maybe I set my goals… Continue reading Slowing down… maybe!
Always learning…
As I wait for the kettle to boil so as to make my first cup of tea of the morning, I sit here in my chair and reflect on the life I have in this great country on this Memorial Day weekend. The sun has not yet peaked over the horizon but streams of pink… Continue reading Always learning…
Home again…
There is nothing like arriving home after a long journey and yes, my recent trip to England with dear friend Lynda Thomas was a long journey but a good one. The last leg was the most tiring as we got up at 5am in England, was ensconced in the ‘plane and taking off around 9:30am… Continue reading Home again…
England trip on the horizon!
Here we are in May and we are not the only ones wondering where the past few months have flown by to! The weather has been very mild, deceptively so, which brings out the urge in Darrell to prepare and plant our vegetable garden. The annual jaunt into Mount Vernon to trailer home a rental… Continue reading England trip on the horizon!
Ahhh… Turkeys!
Turkeys, a rather interesting bird that can bring out a number of emotions in a person from admiration of a nicely trussed bird fresh from the oven on Thanksgiving Day to appreciation of the beauty in a splendid strutting Tom courting his hen. There are other emotions that sometimes rise to the surface as well… Continue reading Ahhh… Turkeys!
The ‘Fridge Door
This morning I am feeling old. Every once in a while this feeling of age comes over me as I am sure it must to everyone. As I lit the fire to warm the chilly house then got the kettle on for my first cup of tea of the day, putting milk in the pan… Continue reading The ‘Fridge Door
Four in the morning…
There must be something significant about four in the morning that is firmly ingrained in my body’s circadian rhythm. Almost without fail, no matter how late I may have been up, I find my eyes opening around that certain time of the day to peek blearily at the bedside clock only to discover it is… Continue reading Four in the morning…
Luke’s hair…
It seems as if horses have always been a part of my life and they always shall be in one way or another. Right now out in the pasture we have four of them, three are stout American Quarter horses and one a gangly Thoroughbred. The one dearest to my heart is a venerable old… Continue reading Luke’s hair…