Another year has ended and another one looms large before us, a clean slate just waiting to be written upon. So many folks I know, us included, were heartily glad to see 2020’s final page turned for good. The end of what for so many was an epic year. Yet as we reflect back for a moment, it is good to remind oneself of the blessings that came along with the burdens of this past year.
If asked what words come quickly to mind to sum up 2020 I initially think COVID-19 and Bell’s palsy! I could however add in some negative words such as seclusion, friction, anger, frustration and doubt yet instead I find myself heading in the other direction… closeness, compassion, consideration, compromise and most important to me of all is acceptance.
Acceptance, an easy word to write but sometimes a hard thing to do. There have been a few changes here on the Triple H this year and I must say, hindsight shows they have been for the best. Along with those changes have come some huge challenges too! Accepting change is in itself is a challenge is it not?
Early this year, April 6th to be exact, with one more month to go before wrapping up the EMT class I was teaching, I came down with Bell’s palsy. The preceding couple of months had been rather stressful for myself – as well as the 18 students – as with the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic there was a chance the class would not come to fruition. With determination and hard work the class did indeed come to successfully completion and 18 new EMT’s have been able to aid their respective communities this year.
As I head into my 10th month of my battle with Bell’s, for those who have been following my journey, I would say I am about 90% healed. On the outside I look almost as I used to although my smile is still a little crooked and my left eye a little squinty. Inside is a little different story! The left side of my face still feels almost constantly bruised and sore, muscles still do not work, the fatigue is real and at times debilitating but the battle to fully heal continues.
The challenges of dealing with what has become to be known as the COVID Crisis have actually made Darrell and I even more aware of the many blessings we have. For our lives really have not changed too much at all. Well, I did come to the decision to sell our small herd of breeding pigs, in fact briefly thought of getting out of pig raising all together until I realized how much we would miss home grown pork! It was hard to actually come to the decision to sell them, as raising pigs from birth to butcher has been a part of our lives for years and years! Over 25 years as a matter of fact! Yet when I voiced my thoughts to Darrell that I wanted to sell our sows, I immediately knew it was the right thing to do. A sense of peace just stole over me!
I turned 60 this year. To me age really is just a state of mind! I do not feel 60, yet I know there are some days when my body does try to remind me I am not a spring chicken anymore! I am definitely not one of those people who think “Oh my gosh, I am 60 so I should be slowing down, thinking of retiring, planning for the future!” No indeed! Yet my bout with Bell’s has shown me a thing or two. Taught me a thing or two I should say! It has taught me tolerance. It is okay to admit I am tired. It is okay to admit I cannot do quite as much as I did ten years ago. It is okay to sit for an extra cup of tea before dashing off outside for chores. Yes, I am learning the art of “acceptance”!
This past year has been one of reflection too. With all the strife in the world, especially in this dear country of ours, it has brought some raw emotions to the surface. Tensions have sprung up amongst families all across the country due to political and philosophical differences. The inability in many cases to sit and talk face to face has deepened this chasm. The inevitability of the COVID virus touching each and every family in some way or another… yes, it has been quite a year. On the other hand it has brought many families so much closer together. They say “Distance makes the heart grow fonder” and this I feel is true!
On January 1st I was going to make a whole raft of New Year’s resolutions. As Darrell and I sat side by side, our new puppy Bonnie contentedly stretched in front of the blazing fire, we thought about the coming year. What would we change in our lives? As we sat there and contemplated, we both realized there really is nothing at all! Well, other than to eat more fruits and vegetables!
As we stretched out our hands to each other we realized just how much we have to be thankful for. We have a warm and comfy home. Our larder is full. We live a life many folks would envy, a self-sufficient life that keeps us happy and healthy. Our cows give us milk, cream and cheese; our hens supply eggs and the occasional pot of soup. Home raised beef and pork grace our dinner table but most of all we have each other.

So as we all face the coming New Year, it’s inevitable challenges will abound. We can either choose to bend underneath them or face them head on. I think… no, I know… Darrell and I will choose to face forward and stand strong. The words “Lord, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference.” spring to mind. Words indeed to live by. May the coming year be filled with all good things my friends! Blessings to you all!