Our 160 acre Triple H Homestead farm and home of Rose’s Creations, is located in beautiful eastern Oregon, just outside the village of Monument. Here we tend our small herd of beef cows, raise pigs on whey from our cheese making and veggies from Darrell’s huge garden. Our dairy girls, Heidi and Lass, give us fresh, creamy milk to drink. We are blessed to live a most wonderful self sufficient and healthy lifestyle!
After making soaps and lotions for over ten years, Rose still enjoys every minute of it. What started as gifts for family and friends has now blossomed into a successful little home business where every item is made with love.
Apart from keeping busy running a farm, tending animals, soap-making, cheese making, canning and butchering, volunteering as an EMT on Monument’s ambulance, Rose is also a published author with several books to her name! (Click on the “Rose’s Books” tab for her book list!)